Simple tips for latte art

Do you know what’s equally refreshing to a cup of coffee? Latte art! It is attractive, refreshing, and simply bewitching. No matter if you are a budding barista or a coffee aficionado, latte art is an exciting avenue to the coffee world. While as a coffee lover, it is a way to show your creative skills; for young baristas out there, latte art is the crown jewel in their resume.

Naturally, latte art needs skills, patience, knowledge, and room for trial and errors. Here are some simple tips for latte art that can help you make all the difference if you are ready.

Get that milk smooth and silky.

Some people find it hard to make steaming hard, even harder than espresso. While there is a constant tussle between “what is more difficult: steaming milk or making espresso?” we can assure you that steaming milk to get that rich, smooth and silky feel is not that difficult.

All you have to do is

  • Position of the wand

We want to create a whirlpool in our milk pitcher so that it sucks all the bubbles, and you get smooth milk, really smooth! You need to position the wand in precisely the center of the pitcher and tilt the pitcher just so that the wand is third of the way on the pitcher’s side.

  • The air in your milk

When you turn your wand on, you will hear a sucking sound. If no, then you need to lower the pitcher a bit more till you hear the sound. You cannot make a latte art with foam-less milk, so make sure to have the proper air.

Set the base right

One thing that amateur baristas and coffee-lovers need to remember is contrast. It is the contrast that creates the perfect designs. To get the proper contrast, you need to start pouring your milk really slowly so that it goes through the creme. The dark brown mixture at the top is the perfect canvas you are seeking.

Come closer and lean in.

Now that your canvas is ready, you can get on with the art. To do so, you have to get close to the coffee surface, and you can get near the surface if you lean the cup a bit. If you stay too far from the surface, the pouring will be fast and mess up the design. When you are near the surface, you can pour slowly and control the flow.

What to design?

Anything! Coffee is the blank canvas, and all that is stopping you is your imagination. The other things you need is practice and the perfect steamed milk. Generally, young baristas start with tulips, a heart, and a rosetta. Once you get the hang of it, you can use powders and stencils to create 3D designs.

Concluding note

Practice makes a man perfect! The proverb holds for everything, including latte art. All you have to do is practice your craft and techniques and use the right ingredients. It’s okay if you’ve been practicing for a week and you still cannot create a heart. Some people needed six months to get there. So, don’t feel disheartened and keep on practicing.